It is definitely not just another variation on an old story. The truth is, especially if you’re familiar with another DAW, that you’ll need a bit more time to get familiar with FL Studio as it doesn’t run exactly on the same tracks as some others. If you are skilled, you can finish the basic arrangement in 15 to 30 minutes. I presume the main reason for such popularity is the fact that Fl studio is very flexible, well equipped and relatively easy to use, and what’s more, it’s so easy to get excellent results in no time, just by drawing clips in the arrangement window with the paint tool and deleting them with a left click. Endless numbers of Hip Hop producers use it, even Metal folks, and all other genres and subgenres. Of course, by searching for additional tutorials I found that people use FL Studio for almost all genres.

Somehow FL Studio has become the number one DAW where EDM music is concerned.

The most fascinating thing is that more than 90% of them use FL Studio as their main DAW. I joined some EDM related groups on Facebook lately where members are showing off what they are doing or what they have done, exchanging tips and tutorials or simply asking for advice. Obviously, Image Line never gets tired improving their main product, adding new features and capabilities.įL Studio has massively gained popularity in the last two years. One of the most fascinated DAWs has reached and impressive version number: 12.